Creative Covid Halloween Hacks

With Covid-19 cases on the rise in Montana and the CDC suggesting people forgo traditional trick-or-treating this Halloween, many families are brainstorming creative ways to celebrate the spookiest of holidays in a way that is safe and socially distanced. Here’s some suggestions that ensure you will have a spooktacular time this Halloween:

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Spooky Scavenger hunt

Coordinate with neighbors beforehand and on the night of Halloween, give children lists of Halloween-themed things to look for while they walk from house to house admiring decorations at a distance. We are working with some other families to hopefully create a city wide hunt! If you are interested in being notified as details become available, send us a message here!

Candy lawn

Tape candy to popsicle sticks and stick through your front lawn for neighborhood trick-or-treaters!

Halloween Egg hunt

Why should Easter have all the fun? Some parents have suggested hiding candy throughout their house or in their back yard for kids to find. Bonus points for putting candy in glow in the dark Easter eggs.

boo baskets

Put together a few small baskets or goodie bags with treats, toys or prizes and deliver them to the doorsteps of your neighbors and friends!

Candy chute

One family shared their idea of building a candy chute as a fun way to creatively distribute candy to their neighborhood kids, while keeping plenty of distance.

Virtual costume contest

We’re using Zoom for everything else! Why not coordinate a costume contest you can participate in from home?

For those that are planning some traditional neighborhood trick-or-treating, might we suggest bringing sanitizer to use after ringing doorbells and wiping down candy wrappers before consuming?