Spring Cleaning: Where to Donate


Over the past few weeks, you may have found yourself with a little more time to complete a few house projects or do some spring cleaning. Do you have some unwanted items you’re looking to donate? We’ve included a list of places accepting donations of new and used items. Each location accepts different items so be sure to check out their website or call before dropping your items off. Keep in mind that with the current COVID-19 restrictions, some businesses may have different hours. Check out their social media or website for current, updated information.

Have items you need to recycle? Check out our Spring Cleaning: Where to Recycle article.

Where to Donate

Bargain Corner

The Bargain Corner is the area's leading thrift store and is operated by the Foundation to support Missoula Catholic Schools.
Website: missoulacatholicschools.org/bargain-corner-thrift-store/
Contact: (406)543-4926    200 S. California St.
Hours: Donations accepted M-Sat 12pm-3pm.
Items accepted: Household items, clothing and furniture.

Bethel Baptist Free Clothing Closet

Accepts donations and operates a free clothing closet for families to get items on Tuesdays from 10am-1pm.
Website: bethelmissoula.com/contact/
Contact: (406) 721-2780    1601 South 6th Street West
Hours: Contact first for any temporary covid restrictions. Monday & Tuesday 10am-1pm.
Items accepted: Any sizes, clothing only.

Donation Warehouse

Donation Warehouse is committed to raising money to fund child abuse prevention in our community. We achieve this by collecting, repairing, cleaning and selling donated items. We accept appliances, furniture and more!
Website: www.donationwarehouse.net
Contact: (406) 240-4042  1804 North Ave W Ste
Hours: Temporarily by appt, last minute appointments available M - Fri 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. |  Sat 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Items accepted: Appliances and furniture; visit their website before you donate for a list of items accepted.

Goodwill Missoula

Goodwill works to enhance the dignity and quality of life of individuals and families by strengthening communities, eliminating barriers to opportunity, and helping people in need reach their full potential through learning and the power of work.
Website: www.shopgoodwill.com/missoula
Contact: (406) 549-6969 ext 2
Hours: M - Sat 9 a.m.-9 p.m.  |  Sun 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Items accepted: Most gently used household items, clothing, furniture and more however, there are a items they cannot accept and are listed on their website. You can also contact the store to inquire if they will accept your items.

Habitat ReStore

Habitat for Humanity of Missoula’s ReStore sells new and gently used furniture, building materials, tools and appliances to the public at a fraction of the retail price. The Restore works to ensure Missoulians have access to affordable materials for maintaining and improving their homes and diverts usable materials from landfills.
Website: www.habitatmsla.org
Contact: (406) 549-8210  3655 Highway 200 E, East Missoula, MT
Hours: Contact for drop-off hours
Items accepted: Visit their website for drop-off information.

Home ReSource

Home ReSource is a nonprofit community sustainability center in Missoula, Montana with a building materials reuse store & job training, education, and zero waste programs.
Website: www.homeresource.org
Contact: (406) 541-8300  1515 Wyoming, Missoula, MT
Hours: No contact drop off Thurs —Sun 10 a.m.-4 p.m. | Hours for shopping Thurs —Sun 10 a.m.-4 p.m. **Thursday 10a.m.—noon high risk
Items accepted: Home Resource accepts donations of reusable building materials but there may be limitations as to what they accept. Please visit their website or contact the store to find out more.

HOPE Thrift Boutique

A non-profit thrift boutique with profits going to support the Union Gospel Mission of Missoula Women & Children's Shelter.
Website: https://www.hopemontana.org/hope-thrift-boutique/
Contact: (406) 728-5538​ 702 SW Higgins
Hours: Donations only 10am-6pm, Tues-Sat
Items accepted: Clothing, household items, and furniture.

Missoula Alliance Church Foster Closet

MAC provides clothing and other basic items, free of charge, to foster/adoptive families.
Website: www.macmissoula.com/foster-adoptive
Contact: (406) 251-3983 
Hours: Contact Lara to schedule drop off
Items accepted: New or gently used clothing primarily children. Contact Lara at (406) 251-3983 to schedule a drop off.

Missoula Interfaith Collaborative

The demands of supporting people in need can be daunting given the fact that our guests are often left with few resources when they reach out to us. Consequently, they often require basic items just to meet their day-to-day needs. In addition, our Family Promise Day Center operations require sustained replenishment of supplies and equipment. Either way, your help is always welcome.
Website: www.micmt.org
Contact: (406) 207-8228  2205 34th St, Missoula, MT
Hours: Visit their website for drop off locations and items needed
Items accepted: Missoula Interfaith Collaborative is in need of specific items that are gently used or new. Visit their website first before you drop off items or contact their office.

Mountain Home Montana

Mountain Home Montana provides shelter for young mothers who need a place to live, and a network of support as they create safe, stable, and nurturing homes of their own.
Website: www.mountainhomemt.org
Contact: (406) 541-4663  2606 South Ave W. Missoula, MT
Hours: Contact for drop off hours
Items accepted: Gently used household items, clothing, and other items. Please visit their website before you drop off your items as there are certain items (car seats, stuffed animals, etc.) that they cannot accept.

Missoula Senior Center Underground Thrift Store

Missoula Senior Center was established to develop, implement, and promote programs and services that support the physical, intellectual and emotional health and well-being of Missoula's 55 and older population.
Website: www.themissoulasiniorcenter.org
Contact: (406) 549-8210  3655 Highway 200 E, East Missoula, MT
Hours: M – Sat 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 
Items accepted: The Missoula Senior Center Underground Thrift Store accepts new and gently used items. Visit their website for items they’re not able to accept at this time.

Missoula Teen Challenge Resale and Donation Center.

TC Resale & Donation Center (Teen Challenge Thrift) Partnered with Adult & Teen Challenge PNW: Missoula Campus, a women's recovery center here in Missoula
Website: https://teenchallengepnw.com/locations/missoula-campus/
Contact: (406) 728-1171   2036 Mullan Rd
Hours: M – Sat 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 
Items accepted: Clothing, furniture, household items, music, movies, books and more

Partnership Health Center Clothing Closet

Free clothing for all in Missoula.
Website: www.partnershiphealthcenter.com/events-and-announcements/phc-clothing-closet-available-to-all
Contact: (406) 543-4926   323 W Alder St., Missoula, MT
Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 8 a.m.-4 p.m.  |  Tues 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Items accepted: The PHC Clothing Closet accepts new and used clothing. Please visit their website for items they may be in need of specifically.

Soft Landing Missoula

Soft Landing Missoula focuses on building a sustainable effort to engage the community in being a welcoming, supportive and informed place to help refugees and immigrants integrate and thrive.
Website: www.softlandingmissoula.org
Contact: (406) 493-0504  939 Stephens Ave Suite C, Missoula, MT
Hours: Contact for drop off hours
Items accepted: Soft Landing is in need of specific items that are gently used or new. Visit their website first before you drop off items or contact their office.

YWCA Secret Seconds

By shopping at and/or donating to the YWCA Missoula’s Secret Seconds Thrift Stores, you directly support our programs and services while providing YWCA participants the opportunity to shop, using free vouchers, for the items they need to rebuild their lives.
Website:  ywcaofmissoula.org/thrift
Contact: (406) 541-1610 1136 W Broadway or 920 Kensington Ave Missoula, MT
Hours: 10 a.m.- 4p.m. | Donations until 3:30pm.
Items accepted: Gently used clothing, accessories, housewares, and furniture