Safe Backyard Camping Ideas for a Fun Outdoor Adventure


With your kids getting out of school for the summer or planning a fun weekend and needing some tips, we've got you covered on a few backyard camping ideas to help you make your next trip a success.

Kids will love to learn more about camping and what it is like to be outside. If they are too young to do it themselves, have them help with pre-camping tasks, like putting up the tent or helping with meal planning. Kids who spend time outdoors are healthier, happier, and do better in school. It's never too early to start.

In this blog post, we're sharing some safe backyard camping tips that will help you plan ahead and some ideas for activities your kids can do while camping.

Set Up Campsite In Your Backyard

If you are setting up a camp in your backyard, make sure the play area is close to your outdoor kitchen, the tent, and kids when they want to channel their inner nature. Choose a position out of sight from the house but still close enough to enjoy family time together.

Setting up a campsite in your backyard allows you to take advantage of your amenities at home and sleep more comfortably.

Build A Bonfire

Build a bonfire when it's time to settle down for the night. It's a fun and easy way to roast marshmallows. You could also venture out into the forest if you live close enough to find an open space and follow any fire regulations about having a bonfire in your area.

But also bear in mind the safety precautions you need to take when either of these activities is involved. Don't start fires in dry grass; they can spread quickly. Always be aware of what is around you and the dangers your fire could cause to your own family and any animals or plants.

Play Scavenger Hunt

This is a great activity to do when going camping. You can use a map or a list of the items you want your kids to find. That works, too, if you want them to hunt for plastic buckets, carrots, and pots and pans. It could also be fun to randomly put clues around your backyard like, "Find me something with orange."

When they find an object, they can use it as part of their costume for the night, complete with props like backpacks and flashlights. Once your kids see all the items on the list, you can have a small celebration.

Play With Flashlight Tag Or Hide And Seek

This is another fun activity to do when camping, especially if you have many things in your backyard and many places to hide. You could turn on the flashlight and see where they hide or write their favorite something they want to find in a journal.

Again, play blindfolded or with the lights out to privacy while playing at night. You could even use real flashlights or play a game like a Hide and Seek.

Study And Monitor Backyard Bugs

If your kids love to look for bugs, the backyard is their bug paradise! It's fun to learn about harmless bugs and make bug report cards. Also, it's a great way to make them more aware of what they are doing in your backyard.

You could also use this activity to teach them the importance of recycling or water conservation.


This is one of the best outdoor activities to do with your kids. You could go outside every night and look at the stars. You could even make up stories about star constellations or shoot stars. If you want to take an educational approach, you can learn more about our sun's solar system.

Stargazing is one of the best ways for kids to get away from their screens and enjoy the outdoors. You can even use binoculars or telescopes to help you see things in more detail.

Play A Shadow Puppet Show

The best way to teach kids about camping is to experience camping firsthand. They'll be more interested in this activity if they have been camping or watched somebody go through it.

Use a flashlight or lantern to help them make shadows on a wall, and you can use this activity to teach them more about shapes, colors, and how they work with one another. This is also a great way to talk and laugh together.

Play Charades

Charades is a fun game that you can play outdoors. It's an excellent way to use their imagination. You can make the game more challenging by adding signs or gestures for challenges. Be creative and have fun.

Playing charades is a great way to help build your child's communication skills and work together.

Cook Outside

If you want to teach your kids about cooking, making a meal outdoors is excellent. You could have them make s'mores or a simple side dish like fruit salad. It's also a perfect way to get used to cooking while camping.

Kids will love being able to help you cook, and they'll be more likely to try food they've prepared themselves.

Final Thoughts

Camping is a fun activity that allows you to bond with your kids. It's an excellent way for you and your children to spend quality time together, but you want to make sure that the camping trip is safe.

When setting up camp, plan ahead and think about what you need to take. Take plenty of food, water, and any supplies your kids may need for the night. Always let someone know where you are going and when you will be back so that no worries or worries from the family members left at home.