I Promise My Kids Have Adorable Faces!

I have two kids. H is 10 years old. He loves video games, super heroes, Star Wars, and arguing about the finer points in life (or really anything). O is 18 months. He enjoys exploring new things, holding one small object in each hand, going outside, and screaming loudly when he doesn't get his way. They are both adorable, but unless you see us around town, you might never know.

I am a hypocrite. I tell my family to eat a well-balanced meal as I eat a "healthy" amount of ice cream. I love looking at pictures of your kids, seeing how they've grown, their precious and mischievous smiles, but I won't post pictures of mine. I decided a while back that because they don't understand the internet/social media and the far-reaching and long-lasting consequences of having their pictures shared; that I would not post pictures of their faces. Our extended families don't post too much on social media. And if they did post a picture of my kids, they don't tag me in them, helping to keep the boys anonymous for a little while longer. My husband is not on social media that much, so he’s fine with my decision.

To keep friends and family near and far in the loop of what the boys are doing, I text a frequent (obnoxious) amount of pictures. I also post funny/cute stories of what they are doing, the art that they make, and pictures of the back of their heads on social media (mainly Facebook because I am boring). From the limited amount H and I have spoken about social media, he has asked that I not post about him without his approval, a request I try to honor. His request is made easier because he is often playing with friends and not staying still, allowing me to take pictures of the back of his head. He also helps me. If he is doing something I want to take a picture of and he agrees, he'll find something to cover his face for me. It's weird, but I appreciate it.

Me not sharing pictures of my kids is what works for me. Do what works for you, make sure you and your family are comfortable with what and how much you want to share. I enjoy looking at your pictures, but I respect your privacy if you choose not to.