Who Will Be Missoula’s Next Mayor?

Honoring Mayor Engen

On Saturday August 20, 2022 Missoulians gathered to celebrate the life and accomplishments of our community’s longest serving Mayor. We were saddened by this great loss and and whether you supported his politics or not, it’s fair to say that he had an immense impact on Missoula and its residents. Take a moment to read more about Mayor John Engen here: https://www.ci.missoula.mt.us/2928/Remembering-Mayor-John-Engen

The Candidates

As our community begins to heal, the City of Missoula has begun its search for another leader to take the helm. The City recently announced its list of candidates and the selection process.

Curious about who our next Mayor could be? You can view the candidate names and packets below: https://www.ci.missoula.mt.us/1850/Mayoral-Appointment-Procedure